Summary of "Ichigo Ichie" Ichigo Ichie: The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles explores the Japanese concept of cherishing each moment as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Héctor García, a writer and blogger known for his deep insights into Japanese culture, and Francesc Miralles, an author and journalist with a focus on personal growth and spirituality, bring their combined expertise to uncover the beauty of living in the present. Main Concepts: 1. The Meaning of Ichigo Ichie - Ichigo Ichie translates to "one time, one meeting," emphasizing the uniqueness of each moment. It teaches the importance of treasuring every experience as it will never be repeated in exactly the same way. 2. Mindfulness and Presence - Practicing mindfulness by fully engaging in the present moment. This involves paying attention to the details and appreciating the uniqueness of each encounter. 3. The Art of Hosting and Receiving - ...
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